Friday, March 6, 2015

Brinner....or Dunch? Breakfast for Dinner

Finally the end of the week! I am in pain due to workouts I found on Pinterest. They seem so innocent when pinned with their pretty graphics. But they are killer. Needless to say, I'm hobbling around.

I was super pumped for last night's dinner because it was breakfast at dinner! Brinner? Dunch? Doesn't matter! I could eat breakfast for any meal of the day. So many breakfast foods are absolutely amazing. I was going to make this meal last week but it didn't work out so I (and the hubby) were looking forward to it. I guess we have nothing else exciting going on in our lives.

I got this recipe from Cooking Light and it was Biscuits and Gravy with Maple Apples and Eggs. It came together very quickly. I used two different pans (my cast iron skillet for the gravy and a non-stick for my apples and egg). I made the apples and cleaned it out for the fried eggs while the gravy simmered. For the sausage, I used Al Fresco Breakfast Chicken Sausage which was randomly on sale for a dollar at Target. Impulse buy. 



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